Why are my plant leaves turning brown and how do I prevent it ?

Brown leaves on indoor plants can be a sign of various issues, including improper watering, low humidity, or other environmental factors. Identifying the cause can help you address the problem and prevent further damage.

Underwatering is a common reason for browning leaves. When plants do not receive enough water, their leaves can dry out and turn brown at the edges. Check the soil regularly and water when it feels dry about an inch below the surface.

Overwatering can also lead to brown leaves. Excess water can cause root rot, which prevents the plant from absorbing nutrients. Ensure your pot has proper drainage and avoid letting water sit in the saucer.

Low humidity is another cause of browning leaves, especially for tropical plants. To increase humidity, mist your plants, place a tray of water near them, or use a humidifier in the room.

Excessive sunlight can scorch leaves and cause browning. If your plant is exposed to direct sunlight for long periods, move it to a spot with indirect light.

Fertilizer burn can occur if you use too much fertilizer. Always follow the recommended dosage, and flush the soil occasionally to remove salt buildup.

Pests like spider mites or thrips can damage leaves, leading to brown spots. Inspect your plant regularly for signs of pests and treat them with insecticidal soap or neem oil if necessary.

Temperature stress from exposure to drafts, heaters, or air conditioners can cause leaves to brown. Keep your plants in a stable environment with consistent temperatures.

Regularly inspect your plants and prune any damaged leaves to encourage healthy growth. Adjusting care routines based on your plant's needs will help prevent browning leaves and keep your indoor plants thriving.

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