Spring is the perfect time to plant certain fruits that will yield a delicious harvest by summer. With the right planning and care, you can enjoy fresh, homegrown fruits in just a few months.
Strawberries are one of the easiest and most rewarding fruits to plant in spring. Choose everbearing or June-bearing varieties for a continuous harvest throughout the summer.
Raspberries and blackberries can also be planted in early spring. They grow quickly and will provide a sweet harvest by late summer. Opt for summer-bearing varieties for quicker results.
Melons, such as watermelon and cantaloupe, thrive when planted in spring. They require warm soil and full sunlight to produce juicy, sweet fruits by mid-to-late summer.
Blueberries are another excellent choice. While they may take a couple of years to mature fully, planting them in spring ensures a small harvest in the first summer.
Peaches and plums, if grown from young saplings, can start producing fruit by summer. These trees need well-draining soil and regular watering during their growing season.
To ensure a successful harvest, prepare the soil with compost and organic matter before planting. Provide consistent watering and keep an eye on pests or diseases that may affect your plants.
By planting these fruits in the spring, you can enjoy the satisfaction of a fresh and flavorful summer harvest from your garden.